Having employee materials available in multiple languages to cover those primarily spoken by your employees can help you grow, better meet liability requirements, and more effectively execute your business strategy.
Translating human resources materials, also known as “HR materials” or “internal communications” into the native language of employees helps them engage more effectively, keeps them motivated, and makes them feel empowered. Sharing your company's key information in employee’s primary languages is essential for them to understand the company culture, and improve productivity, collaboration, and performance.
In order to most effectively translate your HR materials, you must have an understanding of two key factors: the company´s culture and the employee´s culture, which sometimes corresponds with the country where your company is located and sometimes corresponds with the make-up of your workforce. For example, in the United States, depending on your company’s region and workforce make-up, you may be employing primarily Spanish-speakers of Latin American origin. Or, in Germany, you may be employing a workforce whose primary language and culture is Arabic. At Language Concepts, we can work with you to determine your company’s language and cultural translation needs for your HR materials. We are also experienced in helping you prioritize which documents are absolutely necessary to translate for compliance purposes, how to navigate mandatory language translations in countries that have one or more official languages, and more.
We work to make our professional HR translations accurate, of native quality, and in tune with your company´s style and image. We are also happy to advise how to navigate translating language versus cultural concepts, working with you to maintain your company’s vision while also making your materials more accessible to all. Our professional translators are skilled in translating HR materials from or to any of the following high-demand languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, French, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese. We also have experience beyond these languages listed, so don’t hesitate to inquire about other languages and dialects as well.
We have experience translating a wide variety of HR content that covers all aspects of employment, such as:
-Activity reports,
-Company´s policies
-Compliance documents with international labor laws,
-Confidentiality agreements,
-Contracts of employment,
-Corporate emails,
-Corporate memos,
-Employee benefits plans,
-Employee handbooks,
-Employer´s liabilities insurance,
-Health and safety policies
-HR performance reviews,
-Informational videos,
-Internal newsletters,
-International human resources training courses,
-Intranet content,
-Job descriptions,
-Meeting notes,
-Multilingual talent development programs,
-Onboarding procedures,
-Private medical insurance,
-Risk assessments,
-Service agreements,
-Skills, training courses,
-Training videos, and much more
We look forward to helping you with your HR translation needs and bringing clear, quality communication to all of your employees!