As the diversity continues to grow throughout our nation, the necessity for language translations does too.
Many students and parents are English as a Second Language (ESL) learners, who do not speak English at all.
Through translations, we are happy to help teachers and administrators serve students and parents in their native language, and facilitate effective communication among parents, students, and the school.

For school and districts, we translate the following from English to Spanish, and other languages:
Counseling & Guidance Services Information,
Courses & Programs for Talented Students,
Emergency Information,
Health & Safety Forms,
Individualized Education Programs (IEP) Information,
Press Releases,
School & Parent Programs Information,
Student & Parent Handbooks,
Student Performance Information,
Testing Materials,
& More!
It’s important for schools to provide international students with plenty of resources in their native language(s), too.
U.S. colleges and universities hosted over 1 million international students in the 2019-20 school year.
Due to the recent pandemic, countless institutions are moving their courses online, making communication for international students even more challenging.
Effective communication is important in a student’s academic career, but especially in times of crisis. Higher education translations are rising in demand as online learning continues, year after year.
The Civil Rights Act requires the U.S. educational system to give every enrolled student an equal opportunity to progress academically.
Higher education language services by Language Concepts, ensures international students are receiving the support they need to advance in their academics.
Higher Education Academic Translations
Language Concepts offers translation, transcription, and video subtitling to universities and colleges.
Our academic translations break the language barrier between international students attending American schools, colleges, and universities.
Institutions who provide their students with the necessary academic translations have fulfilled their duties as an educational outlet.
The experienced academic translators at Language Concepts have translated English to Spanish documents such as:
Academic Publications
Brochures, Marketing and University Pamphlets
Community Notices
Course Descriptions & Class Schedules
COVID-19 Public Health Notices
Enrollment & Registration Documents
Financial Aid Information
GPA & Transcript Request Forms
Lecture Materials
Legal Documents
Parent Handbooks
Student Handbooks
Student Services/Campus Information
Style Guides
Virtual Learning Materials,
& More!
When responding to the needs of school districts and higher education institutions, we must remain legally compliant.
Our professional translators are certified to translate a variety of academic documents demanded by schools.
Importance of Translation in Education
Allows Students to Learn Better
Academic translation services are necessary for students to progress in their academics to the best of their abilities.
Provides Equal Opportunity for All
Students who don’t understand the instructions on an assignment don’t get the same advantage as students that do.
Language services for higher education ensure that every student receives an equal opportunity during their enrollment at a U.S. institution.
Engages Students
Academic translations engage and encourage students to be more confident about their studies.
Contact Language Concepts for questions or inquiries regarding our language services for education!